Quasi una Sonata: Mosaic-Chiasmus

ID: SM-000052796
ComposerMichael Graubart
PublisherMichael Graubart
Year of composition 1978
Genre Classical / Sonata
Instrumentation Piano
Scored forSolo
Type of scoreFor a single performer
Duration 6'50"
Movement(s) 1 to 1 from 1
Difficulty Difficult
Description A single movement that interlocks and combines a developmental sonata-like structure with a slower arietta and three variations. The title refers to the brief fragments out of which the sonata themes are made, and to the classical name of the rhetorical device of a change of meaning produced by an alteration of word-order.
Upload date 11.01.2011


Sheet music file
3.00 USD
PDF, 15.49 Mb (21 p.)


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